The Raise of Our Empire! Take the world TOGETHER! One Sale at a time...
Building a successful business is usually never an overnight success. WHAT?!? Yes, it's true majority of the time.
Unless you count advertisements on Youtube where the presenter makes millions within weeks or months by following their formula which you need to pay them $$$$ to get it ð
I always say, if it's that easy, everyone would have done it and all of us would be rich!
Still skeptical? Sign up and following along my journey to eventually succeed as an entrepreneur and You Can Too!
My mind to your mind.... my thoughts to your thoughts...
Yes, that's totally a Star Trek reference to mind-meld with the Vulcans. ð
I've decided to share some of my personal experiences on topics that other might fail to grasp. Hopefully this will help shade some light on topics that you might feel alone in your journey.
I hear these voices! ðŪ They speak to my soul!... You should hear them too!
I love podcasts and audiobooks! It's so convenient to be able to consume information and knowledge while working out, cleaning, and even cooking.
Topics of e-Commerce have been my topic of choice since I left my full time job. (WHAT?!? Follow along if you want to know more.)
I hope you find these voices speaks to you as it did to me in a deeper personal level.
Check These Out:
Podcasts That Touched My Life (2nd Half)